How The Sackler family made billions from deaths due to OxyContin overdose.
How The Sackler family made billions from deaths due to OxyContin overdose. How government regulators were paid off and doctors looked the other way
How to make healthy choices for your loved one, and yourself Oftentimes, many of us, when making decisions as caregivers, tend to leave out a vital factor – ourselves. As caregivers of our loved ones with dementia or Alzheimer’s, our role as the decision maker gets emotionally demanding. As the disease progresses more decisions seem […]
By Casey Ribick When talking about the benefits of home automation, it’s generally done in an efficiency context. Implementing a home automation system saves a lot of tedium from household tasks, and in some cases, can even lead to energy efficiency. The secondary benefit is security, but it’s often talked about in terms of protecting […]
By Teri Dreher, RN, CCRN, iRNPA It goes without saying that the doctor/patient relationship is key to good health. It’s important we believe that our physicians are competent and compassionate. When patients trust their doctors, it benefits their well-being. But what happens when you lose faith in your doctor? If you consistently feel that you’re […]
By Mazy Holiday, CEO and Founder, iStand The importance of falls prevention for aging adults cannot be underscored. Falls are the number one cause of injury-related deaths for seniors and a leading cause of both fatal and non-fatal injuries for older individuals. According to the National Council on Aging (NCOA), one out of every four […]
How Genetics Play a Vital Role in Health and Wellness Have you ever wished you could just know what to do for your health? Most people understand that they should exercise more, eat more veggies, sleep more and reduce stress but there are actually some ways that folks can be more targeted with health as […]
If you tried to create a profile of someone at high risk of committing suicide, one likely example would look like this: A middle-aged or older white male toward the end of a successful career, who suffers from a serious medical problem as well as chronic depression and substance abuse, who recently completed treatment for […]
Safety Tips For Seniors If you’re like most seniors, you’re probably concerned about how long you’ll be able to live independently. You may want to remain close to your friends and loved ones. Or, stay in the house you’ve made a home over the course of your life. Although many seniors make the difficult decision […]
Five Ways to Keep Heart-Healthy Year Round By: Senior Helpers February is National Heart Health Month, and with eighty percent of heart disease being preventable, it’s important to know a few easy ways to maintain your health and keep your senior loved one’s heart beating strong this month and beyond. Senior care expert, Tonya Jackson, […]
Top Tips to Make the Most of Heart Health Month Heart Health Month welcomes the opportunity to share information and spread awareness on the global epidemic that is cardiovascular disease (CVD). According to the American Heart Association, 69% of men and 67% of women over the age of 60 have 1 or more types of […]
4-Myths About Migraines After 50 While most people will experience head pain at some point in their lives with varying frequency and intensity, many dismiss their symptoms as “just a headache.” But if you have head pain that’s so severe it interferes with daily tasks, and if it is associated with other symptoms like sensitivity […]
Caroline DeGroot, Master of Physical Therapy (MPT), is a physical therapist and regional coordinator of the Vestibular Program at Athletico Physical Therapy. Winter is in full force and many of us have experienced freezing temperatures, blizzards and, of course, ice. As we age, our balance naturally declines and icy and snowy weather conditions only increase […]
Popping Back Up Into Life by P.J. Frick Life after losing a spouse or any loved one is a lot like learning to walk again. Tackling life on your own at any age can be intimidating and frustrating. With a few consistent and deliberate steps, you can stay ahead of the loneliness, uncertainty, and fear […]
We usually think of babies and little kids when we think about vaccinations, but did you know that there are three vaccines specifically recommended for older adults? They are pneumococcal vaccination, the shingles vaccine, and flu shots. Even if you hate needles, the benefits of these vaccines far outweigh any discomfort, such as a needle […]
Important Warning Signs You Could Miss Finding the right nursing home to provide quality care for your loved one can be a long and difficult process. A process that should be taken seriously as nursing home abuse is surprisingly common. A lot of people have the mindset of “that will never happen to my family” […]
What’s worse for a senior than getting hospitalized and then having to go for rehab? Learning that Medicare won’t cover your rehab because of a technicality. It’s one of the bigger messes in healthcare today, and despite recent attempts to fix it, many seniors still don’t fully understand it…until it hits them in the wallet. Observation Status […]
Your body is constantly talking to you. It sends important signals throughout the day that indicate key changes in your health. And, one of the best ways to prolong a healthy life is to listen to what your body is saying. Thanks to advanced sensing technology, health trackers can make keeping track of your body’s […]
“As a teenager, I did not obsess about bingeing. I just did it on occasion.No big deal, I thought. As I got older, however – from my 20’s straight through my 50’s – it became more frequent as I strived for the ‘perfect’ figure. I tried every diet — I would lose weight only to […]
What You Need to Know We all know there are certain health screenings that consistently remain top-of-mind – mammograms for breast health, dermatology appointments to scan for melanoma, colonoscopies to detect and prevent colon cancer, but screening for osteoporosis too frequently flies under the radar. Despite the fact that osteoporosis causes 2 million bone fractures […]
Spring is the season of renewal. Plants and trees start to rebound from the harsh winter that claimed most of their leaves and vegetation. Birds return from their Southern vacations, serenade us with their morning songs and rebuild their nests in preparation for new arrivals. Unfortunately, there is another renewal that many people don’t […]
How to stay young? Read on.. Mohr Keet of South Africa bungee jumped when he was 96, landing himself in the Guinness Board of World Records. Yuichiro Miura of Japan climbed Mount Everest when he was 80. Not everyone in the golden years of life will attempt and accomplish such extraordinary feats, but most people […]
It is no secret that losing weight is difficult. Each year brings a new popular diet, “guaranteed” to succeed, yet the explosion of obesity in the United States continues. Current anti-obesity medications are only partly effective, due to substantial side effects, the temporary nature of the weight loss and the non-responsiveness of a considerable number […]
Heart disease is the most common cause of death in the United States, despite gains that have been made in fighting this disease over the past few decades. Even though the number of deaths from heart disease have been cut in half since 1960, about 30% of Americans will still die as a result of […]
Telescope Implant for End-Stage AMD Approved for Adults 65+ Age related macular degeneration (AMD) is the number one cause of severe vision loss and legal blindness in adults over 60 in the U.S. It is estimated that over 2 million Americans are living with end-stage AMD and that number will increase as the Boomer cohort […]
What You Need to Know to Keep Healthy This Year Every year, the TV news and newspapers warn us that it’s time to get ready for flu season. These stories almost seem routine and we may even tune them out a bit, but it’s important to take action to reduce our risk for flu. That’s […]
A new study finds that declining vision health may be linked with shorter survival rates in older adults. It’s common for adults to have vision problems as they get older. Starting in their 40s, many adults start developing near-sightedness, which is a normal part of the aging process and may […]
Older Doesn’t Have to Mean Unhealthy—Tips for Men to Turn Back the Clock By Darryl Mitteldorf, Founder and Executive Director of Malecare Worldwide, men’s health suffers from neglect, poor access to medical facilities, under-funded research in male-specific diseases and other disparities in medical care. Education empowers men to care for themselves. Here are some simple, […]
First Cannabis Tablets C3 International, Inc., manufacturer of Idrasil™, the first natural cannabis tablet on the market, has published a white paper revisiting the effects of cannabis-based therapy on migraine, fibromyalgia, irritable bowel syndrome and other treatment-resistant conditions. Idrasil, a 25mg tablet, is the first all-natural, standardized and consistent nutraceutical that is derived 100% from […]
“The single greatest risk factor for developing acid reflux, asthma, and sleep apnea is night eating,” explains Dr. Jamie Koufman, a pioneering laryngologist, director of the Voice Institute of New York, and author of New York Times bestsellerDROPPING ACID: THE REFLUX DIET COOKBOOK & CURE and THE CHRONIC COUGH ENIGMA – Acid Reflux, Asthma, and Recalcitrant Cough – The […]
Medicare beneficiaries traveling abroad should be aware that their coverage options may be limited in foreign countries. Medicare travel abroad is something you need to plan for. Planning a trip to Europe this summer? You may want to add “finding health insurance” to your to-do list if you want to stay covered while traveling. Medicare […]
Just as we examine companies each week that may be rising past their fair values, we can also find companies trading at what may be bargain prices. While many investors would rather have nothing to do with stocks wallowing at 52-week lows, I think it makes a lot of sense to determine whether the market has […]
Study: Moderate physical activity helps older people stay mobile It may seem obvious, but now there’s proof: Physical activity of moderate intensity can help older people stay mobile and independent, according to the largest clinical trial ever done on the issue. The study, presented Tuesday at the annual meeting of the American College of Sports […]
Every May we celebrate Older Americans Month in order to recognize the contributions and achievements of older Americans. The observance also affords the nation an opportunity to take action on important issues that impact the health and safety of elders. This year, the theme of OAM is Safe Today. Healthy Tomorrow, in order to bring […]
The Golden Rules of Online Dating Judith Bitterli, CMO at AVG Technologies I have watched many of my friends try to navigate the “new world” of dating after a divorce, death or break-up. I have observed that when it comes to online dating, getting started is often the hardest part. How do you know […]
The American Society on Aging (ASA) is pleased to announce the seven 2014 ASA Leadership Award winners. The ASA Awards program recognizes the contributions of individuals and organizations to the field of aging and to the ASA. The award winners will be honored on Tuesday, March 11, 2014, during the 2014 Aging in America Conference, held […]
PARSIPPANY, N.J., — There are more “boomerang” adult children today than at any time in the last 50 years. During the recent recession, roughly 12 million young adults moved back home with their parents (at least temporarily). Recent survey research indicates that approximately 29 percent of parents with adult children report that a child has moved […]
WASHINGTON (AP) — Doctors may soon have two new drug options for patients with hepatitis C, just as the liver-destroying virus becomes a major public health concern for millions of baby boomers. The Food and Drug Administration holds a public meeting this week to review two experimental medications from Johnson & Johnson and Gilead Sciences. […]
Betty Halbreich had something to share over brunch the other morning. “I’m wearing a panty girdle,” allowed the 85-year-old personal shopping guru at the legendarily tony Bergdorf Goodman on Fifth Avenue — not a shocking revelation for a woman of a certain age who’s spent her life impeccably attired. “I’ve NEVER worn a panty girdle,” […]
Overall stable or lower cost options available to seniors Here is one of those rare examples where medical and prescription drug prices aren’t going through the roof every year. Medicare standalone prescription drug plans (Part D) for 2014 are remaining stable and even lower, according to data recently released by the Centers for Medicare and […]
If you are contemplating a flu shot this year you have an unprecedented number of options to choose from. “There’s something for everyone this year,” said CDC’s Dr. Anne Schuchat. There is the regular shot; a high-dose shot just for those 65 and older; and a tiny-needle shot for the squeamish. The bigger change: A […]
GRAND BARGAIN Obama and Boehner failed to reach such an accord in 2011 and again last December. Leaders of both parties say problems that killed those negotiations remain, and it’s nearly impossible to resolve them before Oct. 17. Obama told The Associated Press in an interview Friday he would be willing to negotiate with Republicans […]
Baby Boomers are leading the way over foreign borders to access health care they perceive as unaffordable in the United States. More than $2 trillion is spent on health care in the United States each year. Rajesh Rao, CEO of IndUSHealth, told the Huffington Post that more than 80 percent of Americans who cross […]
The secret to longevity may be as simple as a few good friends. According to a recent study published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States, social isolation reduces quality of life and actually increases the risk of death. These findings support the notion that people really need other people to […]
Hollywood Heavyweights Robert De Niro, Michael Douglas, Morgan Freeman And Kevin Kline Grace The Cover Of AARP The Magazine And Talk About Friendships, Fatherhood, Aging In The Spotlight And More Robert DeNiro, Michael Douglas, Morgan Freeman, and Kevin Kline had never worked together before their upcoming movie Last Vegas, but they still seem like the closest of friends. With a […]
Sports Energy and Nutrition Bars The makers of energy and nutrition bars have come up with a great product idea, especially if you are on the go or simply don’t have time to take a food break. So those of us at BloomerBoomer.com have been trying some energy bars lately but where to you find […]
A new survey released today by leading off-price home fashions retailer HomeGoods found that the decor in your home can impact your mood. According survey findings by HomeGoods, 93% of Americans felt a room’s decor can positively or negatively affect The survey found that boosting your mood doesn’t have to come at a price; great […]
If you are a woman over the age of 50 then one of the best things you can do to improve your health, fitness and quality of life is to lift weights. Unfortunately very few older women lift weights regularly and, from my experience, those that do lift weights don’t do it correctly. The biggest […]
What’s the right exercise for you? An often asked question but for a long time there was no scientifically based answer. After all since everyones body and health are different, there was no one size fits all program. For people over 55, the question of exercise is further complicated by the aging factor. Enter the […]
“I’ve been very active my entire life and believe that keeping active into your forties, fifties and beyond is critically important to ensure a happy and healthy life. As a working mom on the move, in addition to eating right, I go to the gym several times a week for strength-training and cardio workouts. I’m […]
Strategy-based cognitive training has the potential to reverse age-related brain decline according to the results of a study conducted by researchers at the Center for BrainHealth at The University of Texas at Dallas published online in Cerebral Cortex. The novel study examining brain and cognitive changes associated with brain training has found that complex cognitive […]
As the nation approaches open enrollment for new public health insurance exchanges and Medicare, a new survey shows major misconceptions among seniors over how healthcare reform impacts Medicare benefits. This knowledge gap, coupled with fear about the affordability of healthcare, could lead seniors to make poor Medicare enrollment and health decisions. Fifty States of Confusion, […]
The Dual Role of Caregivers with Chronic Condition An interesting report from Express Scripts about the role of Caregivers. Behind the scenes of the traditional healthcare system exists a role that is largely underappreciated: the role of caregiver. An estimated 42 million Americans spend an average of 20 hours a week caring for friends or […]
Fraud, waste and abuse cost the Medicare program $48 billion in 2010, affecting one in 10 claims, according to the Government Accountability Office (GAO). The Medicare industry has begun incorporating the latest technology from the banking industry to catch fraud, waste and abuse earlier. In the same way, if you have ever gone on a […]
Stage, television and film performer Debbie Allen has displayed her many talents as a director, choreographer, dancer and actor. She says her greatest passion is dance. After a decades long, intensive schedule of performing, muscle strains and pains have sidelined her seriously enough to require medical attention. Physicians have prescribed examinations using a Magnetic Resonance […]
Need a new hip? Well, you may laugh now, but statistics show that over the past 2 decades the number of Americans having total hip replacement has more than doubled. The number of knee replacements is also expected to reach over 4 million by 2030. Dr. Stephen Barnett is a board certified orthopedic surgeon with […]
The retirement is the best time to experience the beauty of different destinations; that is the period when you need to spend quality time with your spouse and family. It is the most exciting period to explore the world and learn new things; if not anything, then just chill out! With a little planning […]
Sometimes it is easier to believe in miracle cures…food supplements and medical breakthroughs than simple proven formula’s for healthy living. Author and nutrition expert Janet Brill, Ph.D., adheres to the simple formula. “There is no medicine more powerful or supplement more effective in promoting health and longevity than the combination of good nutrition and daily […]