Randi Brill at 60 Creator of Words of Wisdom for Business

| October 30, 2017 | 0 Comments |

Randi Brill

After launching and leading three successful businesses, Randi Brill is thrilled to announce her latest venture, an inspirational quick-read book, 99 Creative WOWs—Words of Wisdom for Business that is ideal for those ready and eager to succeed NOW. Targeting recent graduates, young professionals, newly-minted entrepreneurs, business owners and creative thinkers, Randi offers succinct and memorable sound bites based on her personal, business and creative life as an entrepreneur. Over the years, she’s shared these 99 Creative WOWs with clients and employees. Now, she’s applied her design and business skills to create this easy-to-digest book so others can grasp, consume, and incorporate these WOWs in a quick, colorful and motivating way.

Randi’s book graphically presents her words of wisdom, offering readers an inspirational roadmap to success. “Experience is a profound teacher,” says Brill. “While I wouldn’t trade a moment of my journey, a multi-decade learning itinerary is no longer practical. I want professionals and recent grads to learn from my experiences—in a MUCH shorter span of time!” By releasing this compilation, Randi hopes readers will add her WOWs to their own to reach their goals more quickly and with fewer mistakes along the way.

99 Creative WOWs—Words of Wisdom for Business is available on Amazon in soft cover print and e-book formats. In conjunction with the Creativity Lab and the launch of 99 Creative WOWs, Randi plans to introduce a new radio show entitled “Design Biz Live,” later this year to bring the powerful role of design in business to the forefront. She will interview leading Chicago CEOs to showcase the impact of creativity in the workplace. More on Randi’s evolution and launches to come!

At 14, Randi Brill announced she was going to be in charge of something—and she has been in charge of many creative “somethings” ever since.

In 1982, armed with only her recent BFA in Graphic Design from Carnegie Mellon University, $57 and a fierce drive to succeed, Randi launched her first company, Quarasan—and she’s launched many successful companies since. Randi grew this design sole proprietorship into a multi-million dollar educational design and development firm, serving the nation’s largest educational publishers.

In 2014, Randi transitioned Quarasan into QuaraCORE, her thriving design agency in Chicago. QuaraCORE focuses on the CORE creative offerings that Randi and her team are known for—and adore. Randi defines herself as a “simultaneous entrepreneur.” Rarely content with a linear progression of companies, Randi can often be found at the helm of at least two businesses at once.

In July 2017, Randi released her first book, 99 CREATIVE WOWs: Words of Wisdom for Business in both softcover and e-book forms to capture and share her business expertise and creative strategies under her own Randiland Press imprint. She’s currently creating 99 companion podcasts to underscore the strategy and application of each WOW. In November 2017, the 99 Creative Wows for Business Podcast episodes are slated to start releasing on i-Tunes, Stitcher, and Google Play.

In her roles as Chief Creative Officer for QuaraCORE, Randi “lives” her WOWs each day. She uses these compelling life lessons and sound business principles to energize and jumpstart her clients’ creative visions in QuaraCORE’s vibrant problem-solving “Creativity Lab.” As the Creativity Lab Guru, Randi dons her lab coat and goggles to dream up creative solutions for robust and complex business challenges with clients across a range of industries. A vital part of all her work with clients, Randi also uses her 99 WOWs to inspire both seasoned staff and new interns, and to personally support family and friends. In all cases, Randi applies both her creativity and her wisdom to “create great new results that help others soar to success.”

In 2012, Randi founded Teacher Peach, LLC, a snappy e-commerce retailer with one focus—recognizing and rewarding teachers and students with amazing teacher gifts and motivating classroom materials. As the company’s Chief Peach, she essentially built this company from the ground up and personally designed its products—on her own dime (if only it were just a dime!). She was determined to learn the ropes of e-commerce and nonprofit givebacks first-hand. What began as an entrepreneurial learning experience has grown into a highly successful e-commerce company, selling over 250 products exclusively on Amazon, with multiple top sellers on that competitive marketplace. In addition, Teacher Peach gives back! 10% of the profits from every sale go into its Teacher Peach Seeds Fund to support a range of charitable initiatives focused on confident and creative kids.

Randi’s also an avid and entertaining speaker, podcast host, author and blogger—the latter activities occurring most often from 1 to 3 am in the morning when she’s still wide awake and working—to create her own luck. Stay tuned; Randi’s just warming up.




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