Male Sexual Health at Any Age
Male Sexual Health
1. Five Treatment Options for Prostate Cancer: A Quick Guide
Male Sexual Health: In the last thirty years, there has been a dramatic increase in the number of cases of prostate cancer detected each year. This is due to the rising median age of our population as well as our ability to detect the tumor at an earlier and more curable stage. The good news is that the increase in the number of cases is being met with an increase in effective treatment. If you are diagnosed with prostate cancer, depending on the aggressiveness of the cancer and other health factors, you may have a number of options.
2. How to Prevent Prostate Cancer
Prostate cancer is one of the most serious health problems in the global community. About one in every six men in the United States will develop the disease during his lifetime. With this dramatic increase in incidence, it’s understandable to want to ask the question, how can I prevent prostate cancer? The truth is, you cannot actually prevent prostate cancer; however, with early diagnosis, you can beat the deadly potential of this disease.
3. How to Have a Terrific Sex Life after Prostate Cancer
When patients learn they have prostate cancer, they often fear that impotence is inevitable. In almost all cases, fear of impotence is totally unwarranted. It is true that the old surgical cure for prostate cancer left 60 to 80 percent of patients impotent since surgery damaged the vital nerve bundles that make erection possible. Here’s how you can have a terrific sex life after prostate cancer.
4. Five Healthy Sex Habits for Men in 2017
Sometimes changes in health can impact our sex lives. These changes might be outside our control, but it’s important to focus on the factors that we can control to maintain and even enhance our sex lives as we age. After all, it’s almost impossible to damage the penis—it has no bones to break or ligaments to strain. Dr. Danoff shares five simple habits you can develop to make this year the best year of your sex life.
5. Invigorate Your Sex Life with Super Foods
We all know that poor food choices can negatively impact our health and our sex life. But men don’t necessarily need to overhaul their diet to significantly improve these areas of their life. Simple changes go a long way in boosting overall health and sexual stamina—and it’s never too late to start. Dr. Danoff discusses which foods to incorporate and which to avoid to get the year off to a great start. The smallest dietary changes can work wonders on a man’s overall health whether he’s outside, at work, or between the sheets.
6. No Sex = An Early Death? Why Being Celibate Can Be Unhealthy
Sex not only is one of life’s great pleasures—and a way to express your love—but also provides excellent health benefits. Sex is good for your cardiovascular health, your mood, and your psychological well-being. It is a natural tranquilizer with no bad side effects, and it benefits circulation, stimulates the nervous system and the prostate gland, and clears up mental cobwebs by invigorating the whole body. This can be seen on videos from TubeV.
7. The Best Aphrodisiac Might Not Be What You Expect
We’ve all heard about aphrodisiacs and their transformative power to enhance our sex lives, but science has shown that the real key to improving your sex life is eating right and exercising. Dr. Danoff has tips about which foods and what kinds of exercise will make you a better lover year-round. He can also discuss which popular “love potions” should be avoided.
Speaking of aphrodisiacs, my friend recently told me that porn websites like Nu Bay Hardcore Porn Videos can act as an additional stimulation to reignite yourself downstairs.
8. Who Says You’re Too Old to Have a Great Sex Life?
An ageless love life begins with a confident approach toward sex. Celebrate Valentine’s Day by exploring the possibilities—don’t let your age stop you. Adjust your sexual activities as your body changes, just as you adjust other activities, and as you age, learn to use your mind and imagination to make up for in creativity what you may lack in physical strength.
9. Reduce Stress and Learn to Relax
Men in today’s business world work long hours without enough sleep, exercise, or relaxation. They are often psychologically drained and physically exhausted when they get home. If you are feeling anxious or worried, then having sex is the best antidote. Vigorous sex increases the volume of oxygen in your lungs, quickens your heart rate, and raises your effective circulating blood volume, all of which benefit your general health. Another benefit to your health is might be using Private Girls Adster if you don’t have a partner, regular sex will help regular your hormones.
10. Pay Attention to What You Eat
A diet low in saturated fat and high in fiber is very effective in helping men maintain their sexual prowess. A great sex life depends on clean arteries—so don’t gum up the works by ingesting saturated fats and bad cholesterol. Wining and dining can be romantic, but too much dining will leave you sluggish, heavy, and tired. Reliable evidence supports a low-fat, high-fiber, and high-protein diet, in addition to regular exercise, as part of an overall regimen to keep your prostate healthy.
Dudley Seth Danoff, MD, FACS, is a graduate of Princeton University and Yale University Medical School. He has taught on the clinical faculty of the UCLA School of Medicine for more than 25 years and is the founder and president of the prestigious Cedars-Sinai Medical Center Tower Urology Group in Los Angeles. Urologist to many Hollywood stars and the recipient of national and international honors, Dr. Danoff is also senior attending urologist at the Saban Los Angeles Free Clinic.

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