“I am,” The Most Powerful Statement

| May 24, 2014 | 0 Comments |

BloomerBoomerTemplate_j“I am” is the most powerful statement you can make. Your beliefs about yourself underscore every thought and every action in your life. Given their power, be very aware of how you complete the phrase: “ I am…” The words you choose to follow have the power to create your reality.

How you choose to finish similar phrases such as “she is” or “he is” do not generate the same impact. In fact, these thoughts are often transitory. We can far more easily transform our judgments regarding other people than we can those about ourselves.

Ego: “I am” is an ego statement. The stronger your ego, the more generous you can be. It is only when you feel threatened, diminished, or hurt that your ego becomes bruised and tender causing you to lash out.

The good news is that beliefs can be changed. After all, they are only thoughts you’ve told yourself over and over again. If you’ve been filling your head with negative beliefs about your body, your intelligence, your ability to deal with people, your personal power, your luck, or any other aspect of life… simply change these by repeating daily affirmations to the contrary. Even if you don’t believe that you can change your beliefs—do this anyway!

Be extra diligent to repeat your affirmations as you awake in the morning and as you’re drifting off to sleep at night. These are the times your mind is most receptive. If you commit to this practice, you will see a difference and your life will transform in ways that will astound you.



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