How The Sackler family made billions from deaths due to OxyContin overdose.
How The Sackler family made billions from deaths due to OxyContin overdose. How government regulators were paid off and doctors looked the other way
Why are more people resorting to preventive medicine? In matters of health, it’s always good to follow the old-school proverb, which says – “prevention is better than cure”! The 21st century world is replete with diseases of all kinds. Most of these diseases occur because of a lack of balance in sleeping and eating. People […]
Often doctors prescribe a couple of aspirins and ask the patient to call back in the morning. What if your doctor instead of suggesting a quick remedy, sits down with you discussing all aspects of your lifestyle? That is precisely what functional medicine doctors would be doing if you approach them with a health issue. […]
What is the future of healthcare? Imagine this scenario: you place an order for medication, but instead of taking a week, it arrives in only a few hours. And instead of being delivered by a mail carrier, it is dropped off by a robot. This may seem like a scene out of a sci-fi movie, […]
By Teri Dreher, Author & Speaker, RN, CCRN, iRNPA You count on doctors and hospitals to protect your heath. But unthinkably, sometimes the opposite happens. Medical errors are now the third leading cause of death in the U.S., according to a recent study by Johns Hopkins Medicine. Cancer and heart disease are still the […]