New Year, Better Habits: 5 Tips to Sleep Better In the New Year

| December 15, 2017 | 0 Comments |

5 Tips to Sleep Better In the New Year

34272289 – blond woman having a good night in bed

As 2018 begins, it’s time to discover what ways we can make the next 365 days even better. Most people choose resolutions like exercise more, and eat healthier; but perhaps you should consider “snooze more” to be one of your resolutions this year. Senior Helpers—a premier provider of in-home senior care—conducted a national survey to determine if seniors are sleeping soundly. And, although it’s something we do every day, it looks like good sleep is hard for seniors to come by.


According to the survey, nearly 70 percent of seniors do not meet the National Sleep Foundation’s sleep duration recommendation of 7-8 hours per night for older adults. The study also found a large majority of seniors experience sleep fragmentation, with 88 percent waking up at least once per night, and nearly 30 percent waking up three times or more. In an effort to help seniors sleep more soundly in the New Year, Senior Helpers offers the following sleep tips:

  1. Exercise during the day

    Physical activity is recommended to improve both sleep quality and overall sleep duration.1 Try incorporating moderate aerobic exercise into your daily routine like swimming, fast walking or even ballroom dancing, but be sure to consult with your doctor before jumping into any new exercise regimens.

  2. Implement a pre-bed time ritual

    Calming nighttime activities will help your body relax and slow down, making you better prepared for bed. Only one-third of seniors are able to fall asleep instantly, and activities such as listening to music, taking a warm bath and meditation are found helpful in expediting the unwinding process.2

  3. Avoid afternoon naps

    Sleeping in the day can make it more difficult to fall and stay asleep at night. The good news? More than half (55 percent) of survey respondents don’t find themselves needing to nap more as they age.2 If you do find yourself needing some mid-day shut eye, limit naptime to 30 minutes or less.

  4. Drink fewer fluids at night

    Bathroom breaks are the most common sleep disruptor among older adults.2 Avoiding liquids a couple of hours before bedtime will limit how often you wake up to use the bathroom throughout the night.

  5. Minimize technology use before bed

    Too much light from video screens at bedtime can affect the production of melatonin, giving your body the impression you aren’t ready for sleep3. The best advice is to stop watching TV or using smartphones and other screen devices at least 30 minutes before bedtime to give your brain a rest and the correct signal that it is time for sleep.

There is overwhelming evidence that reveals sleep helps to prevent the onset of colds, the flu and other illnesses, so it is important to prioritize restful sleep as part of your daily routine. Because a great 2018 will come from a healthy body and mind, which begins and ends with proper sleep. For more information or tips on senior care, visit Senior Helpers at


[1] National Sleep Foundation

2 Based on a 1,000 person survey of seniors ages 65+ conducted by Senior Helpers, Sept. 2017




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