Jobs For Baby Boomers – The Gig Is Up

| February 19, 2018 | 0 Comments |

I am so excited about the launch of my new book, The Gig Is Up: Thrive in the Gig Economy, Where Old Jobs Are Obsolete and Freelancing Is the Future. For those who may be new to my books or, I’d love to introduce myself, share a bit of my story and why I wrote the book.

  1. What’s My Story? I’ve had a great career in business, one that has really taught me what it takes to succeed — and that it’s not always talent or skill. In fact, the constricts we think it takes are all kind of B.S. This was one of my earliest lessons in my career. A year after finishing my undergrad, the same university I attended asked me to teach there. Me? Don’t I need a Masters to teach at a university? Nope. I was told I had the equivalent from the unique expertise I had at the time. That’s when I realized that making it is as much about timing, demand, and even the relationships you have. I went on to start my own successful business, but what I really wanted was to help other people succeed in their work. That’s when I started
  2. How I Got Started As An Author And Speaker: Ultimately it came down to helping people. I started with what I wanted to sculpt. I looked at who I am as a brand and who is my audience. Then I began developing it as a business, one that offers insight and help. is really about a change in perspective first, then a change in process. I hoped that I could frame things in a way that a lightbulb goes off and help people know what they can do to succeed. With my first business, which I still own today, I could help a few hundred people a year. was a way I could help thousands of people a year. The blog was an extension of my first book, Sell Local, Think Global, and speaking, teaching and other ways of reaching my audience came after.
  3. What I Enjoy About The Work I Do: I get energy from seeing the change in people. Sometimes it’s just their confidence, sometimes it’s their being able to feel like they can get another client or pay a bill. I’m a huge fan of everybody. I’m a bigger fan of people than they are of me. I believe in people. I believe that everybody has something to contribute. Whether that’s good enough for you to help you make a living, that’s up to debate. I love seeing people make that change.
  4. About My New Book: I’m super excited about The Gig Is Up because it gives hope to people feeling the anxiety of the new economy and speed of change. It’s about saying “Hey, these changes are coming. Let’s embrace them together and see you succeed.” What it isn’t is a get rich quick book. I’ve seen these books screaming “make six figures being an Uber driver!” Not. You have to know the fundamental truth of why people choose you, you need to know how to communicate why you are the best and how to get other people to tell your story for you. Then, opportunities will come to you. That’s what my book is all about. Get chosen, again and again
  5. Why The Gig Economy? I’ve been working on this book for three years. I could see more and more people coming to me with anxiety-ridden faces because they have to survive in this new normal, where the old workforce is changing. Succeeding in the gig economy boils down to the same thing that I’ve been telling businesses — your unique value proposition. I want to help people understand, and help them adapt and succeed.
  6. What Makes The Gig Economy So Exciting: Think back to when you first discovered the internet and you actually surfed it. You didn’t go to the same five sites like you do today, where one is Facebook! There was a discovery process. Now it’s the same with people, tools and technology. It’s like the early web. It’s open, anything is possible. You have this distinct ability to have a tremendous competitive advantage, to have flexibility in your career and make money. This open market will evolve and change, but the gig economy is here to stay. That’s exciting!
  7. What Gig Economy Workers Need To Know: How to effectively get attention and communicate their value. That’s it.
  8. Advice for Businesses That Want To Hire Gig Economy Workers: Employers want good team players. Yet, they don’t treat their contract workers as if they’re part of the team. They expect them to act like they are, but they don’t invite them to company events or make them feel included. I had a friend who had to fight to get a chair that wasn’t broken at her contract job! Companies want to hire the best people, but they dehumanize their contract workers. There are benefits you can offer contract workers that don’t cost a lot. Include them on team emails. There are tools to connect without being in the same room. Companies need to rethink how they build and manage their workforce. And for goodness sake, invite them to the holiday party!
  9. My Favorite Career Milestone: When the first book came out I was surprised by the press attention that came with it. Being featured in media I highly regarded. Even understanding how all of that worked was huge. That parlayed into landing me in my first large speaking opportunity and I killed it. It felt good knowing I belonged with all the men up there; this lady holds her own.
  10. What’s Next For My Audience: More educational materials. I am working on something for personal branding and a lot more to come for the year.



Category: Blog

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