It’s Never Too Late to Create Your Life
Have you ever thought “It’s too late to have the life I desire”? Do you ever wonder if your dreams have passed you by? Have you ever looked around at others the same age as you or older, compared the life they are living with yours and wondered where you went wrong? It’s never too late to create your life that you desire and regardless of the choices you have previously made, you can start to change your life today.
Here my top three tips on creating the life you desire:
- Your point of view creates your reality
Most people think that their point of view is the result of what they have experienced in life, but the opposite is actually true. You have a particular point of view, you have decided certain things are true and your experiences match what you have decided.
For example, if you have the point of view that after a certain age, you are too old to start a business or to have the relationship you desire, those points of view will be your reality. If however, you are willing to let go of any point of view that is stopping you, you can begin to create what you desire.
- Questions open the door to new possibilities
We have been taught that having the right answer is one of the most important things in life but questions are the key to changing things. Start to ask, “What else is possible?” or “If I could have anything I desire, what would it be?” and “If I knew I couldn’t fail, what would I choose?”
When you let go of the idea that you have to have the right answer and start asking questions, people and opportunities that match what you desire begin to show up. Doors of possibility begin to open.
- Choose every 10 seconds
You have 10 seconds to live the rest of your life, what do you choose? That 10 seconds is over. You have 10 seconds to live the rest of your life, what do you choose. That 10 seconds is over. Choose. Select. Choose again.
When you choose every 10 seconds, what you desire your life to be becomes very clear. And, once it is clear, you can actively choose to create it.
Whatever situation you are in today, it is never too late to create a change. If you are willing to have the point of view that you can have, do and be anything, if you will ask questions and actively choose, your life can quickly become a celebration.
Gary Douglas is an internationally recognized thought leader, bestselling author, business innovator and founder of Access Consciousness , a set of simple-yet-profound tools currently transforming lives in 176 countries. He has authored or co-authored 17 books including the Barnes and Noble #1 bestselling novel, The Place. An avid investor and entrepreneur, Gary is a vocal advocate of Benevolent Capitalism and conscious leadership. He co-hosts a weekly radio on Voice America and has featured in numerous TV shows, print media and online publications around the world. He is renowned for his unique insights on love, relationships, money, business, aging, leadership and emotional freedom.

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