Carol Says What Bloomer Boomer Is! You Go Girl

| February 13, 2014 | 0 Comments |

What Carol is describing is a foundation of why exists.  Carol is what many of our readers represent.  Folks who are using this part of life to explore and also earn income.  We would love to hear other stories like Carol.

Hi, I’m Carol and I’m retired. Now without thinking, does your mind immediately picture someone ancient and befuddled, physically and mentally in decline? That’s one of the ageist stereotype applied to retirees; people worn out, dried up and a burden on society. Just so you know I’m an active […]

Just so you know I’m an active 59 years old, work out four times a week, and I just finished writing my first book.

Granted I retired early, adding one more to the 8,000 baby boomers  who, starting in 2011, retire every single day. People who on average will live 20 to 30 years past retirement age.

But before you start wailing the economic sky is falling because of the burden we pose to the Social Security and Medicare systems, know this: most retirees today are still healthy, and probably will remain so for years.

Why? Because of the stubborn stereotype foisted on us, not only that we’re old and decrepit, but worst of all, that when a person retires we will never make another meaningful contribution to the world ever again. I mean how could we? we’re not WORKING.




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