Helping Ex-Military In Their Second Career
Here is a military expert who helps military veterans over 50 in their second chapter in life. Yinon decided to use his deep passion for empowering and improving the lives of military personnel to co-found RallyPoint, a networking platform connecting active duty members and Veterans alike. RallyPoint currently connects 330,000 members, 135,000 of which are Veterans.
Andy Asher: Well hi everyone! I hope your week is going okay. Now one of the sections we have here in Double B is what we call the “Second Act”. Now it’s what many of us are doing as we winding down one part of our life and looking up on what’s next. Well today’s guest is really an amazing guy, his name is Yinon Weiss and he is an Army Special Forces officer no less, Harvard Business School grad, and someone who, just now, is into a Second Act. But here’s the twist to the story – he helps others pursue their next act, and the name of his company is Rally Point. Yinon, you know, it’s such a pleasure to have you today.
Yinon Weiss: Sure and thanks for having me. The idea for Rally Point came after I left active duty. So I served 10 years on active duty and then went to business school. And when I left active duty, there was disconnect between the community I just came from and the community I was now joining. Being in the military for 10 years, wearing the military uniform for 10 years, wearing the military uniform every day, the same uniform every day for 10 years, and then all of a sudden leaving to go into the private sector was a big change and the military community was something I very much missed and there wasn’t really a tool that I felt that gave me the same sense of connection and belonging that I have in the military. And Rally Point was created for two purposes: one was to help those who have left the military or are in different parts of the military stay connected with their friends and their colleagues and also to help them professionally as they transition either to different jobs in the military or to civilian life afterwards.