How The Sackler family made billions from deaths due to OxyContin overdose.
How The Sackler family made billions from deaths due to OxyContin overdose. How government regulators were paid off and doctors looked the other way
Self-Healing Is The Most Powerful Medicine. There is nothing new about the body’s power to heal itself naturally. The self-healing process is simple because it is connected to choices that you make on a daily basis. In August 2021, Christopher Terzakos (63 years old) received his first blood exam showing his testosterone levels at 81. […]
Bank of America report I told you about. It reports older Americans are splurging on travel, dining out spending more on housing and basics, in an unusual and growing generational gap in between them and millennial. We are talking a big difference. Their data reflects a widening split in spending habits between working-age adults and […]