How The Sackler family made billions from deaths due to OxyContin overdose.
How The Sackler family made billions from deaths due to OxyContin overdose. How government regulators were paid off and doctors looked the other way
ABOUT DR. LORI BETH BISBEY: Dr. Lori Beth Bisbey is a clinical psychologist, sex/intimacy coach, author, speaker and podcast host based in London. With more than 30 years helping people create and sustain meaningful and exciting relationships, Dr. Bisbey specialises in GSRD (gender, sexuality, relationship diversity), is consensual non-monogamy and kink BDSM knowledgable and helps […]
The ubiquitous character gets the most attention, but the little-known comic that introduced her deserves praise as well. DC Comics. Everybody knows about Wonder Woman, but not many people know about Wonder Woman. Wonder Woman, of course, is the superhero. Most people are familiar with her from the 1970s television show, in which Lynda Carter put […]
Though “Masters of Sex” is ostensibly about the pioneering sex researchers Bill Masters (Michael Sheen) and Virginia Johnson (Lizzy Caplan), the show has let itself veer far from its ostensible inspiration. If the first season presented a relatively limited mix of subplots (and often felt muted as a result), the second, which concludes this Sunday, […]
If narcissism is one of humanity’s more stubbornly intractable traits—and it is—it’s partly because it facilitates the one basic act likelier than anything else to keep a particular physical or behavioral characteristic alive in the gene pool: breeding. Successful narcissists have a whole lot of sex, which means they’re statistically likelier to have a whole […]