50 Chicagoans Living with Passion and Purpose

| April 21, 2014 |

BloomerBoomer started a new podcast interview show in 2014 about Life Passions over 55. The one thing that came back time and again are the stories of people around retirement age who find a new or abandoned passion to pursue later in life.  So we started a series of interviews with ordinary people, achievers and in between…. is it a job, vocation, hobby, family member?  We’re talking to folks who have a passion and an engagement about what they do. And today we speak to an author…who comes from it in the direction….she is an author asking those questions of 50 Chicagoans Living with Passion and Purpose… …most of retirement age.   Her name is Betsy Storm…author of Bright Lights of the Second City…Betsy thanks so much and ask you point blank what’s it that they’ve got.



Category: Passions Over 55

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